Sidekick Scheduling
Instantly find the best times to meet with other Sidekick users.

Instantly find the best times to meet
This feature work best with others sidekick users. If you are scheduling between Sidekick users, you will see available times that work for everyone to meet.

Send meeting requests to non Sidekick users
You can also send meetings requests to non Sidekick users as well. Guests will receive an email to confirm and the meeting status will be pending.
Check the status of the meeting
You can check the meeting status, who has confirmed and who you are still waiting on.

Stay productive, let Sidekick do the work
Sidekick will do the tedious things while keeping you organized.

Sidekick will send reminders prior to the meeting.

Sidekick creates a calendar event for you automatically.

Sidekick also sends out meeting invites to everyone.