Smart Scheduling Meets
Privacy Focused Inbound Detection

Unparalleled Inbound Meeting Detection

Unparalleled Inbound Meeting Detection

You no longer need to manually sort out meet-worthy requests from the noise in your inbox.

Sidekick will revolutionize your workday efficiency by detecting inbound meeting requests and distinguishing the difference between a meeting with Joe Schmo and your business partner. Sidekick will always ask your permission before booking with unrecognized contacts, but can book with your regularly scheduled co-workers immediately.

Calendar Sharing Convenience Without Sacfrificing Privacy

Calendar Sharing Convenience Without Sacfrificing Privacy

How can a smart bot schedule meetings for you without sharing your calendar with the masses?

Sidekick offers your contacts various time slots that work with your schedule without disclosing your upcoming doctors visits.

How can a smart bot schedule meetings for you without sharing your calendar with the masses?
Calendar Sharing Convenience Without Sacfrificing Privacy